"Highway Robbery" Michael Cashman MEP, today challenged the Spanish Minister in Valencia Senor Blasco over recent allegations that the European Parliament was making up or exaggerating the number of petitions it had received from desperate citizens asking for help. Michael, who has been leading the fight for justice for EU citizens against alleged land grabs in and around Valencia in Spain, said: "Senor Blasco claims the EP is exaggerating as to the severity of the problem concerning the LRAU law in Spain. As can plainly be seen in the attached photo, we most definitely are not". "We have been petitioned by over 15.000 EU citizens affected on the ground by the abusive implementation of this law in Valencia and we acting on their behalf in order to ensure justice is done". "I'd like to tell citizens affected by this law as well as Senor Blasco and his colleagues in the Ministry in Valencia that the EP will not rest until this issue is resolved. If that means going to the European Court of Justice, so be it" said Michael. Contact Michael Cashman 0044 797 336 2811
Note to Editors: As First Vice Chair of the Petitions Committee, Michael Cashman lead a fact finding mission to Valencia to investigate on the ground in June 2005. Following that mission, the EP adopted a report in Strasbourg in December 2005 making a series of recommendations to the Valencian authorities as to what action it should take to ensure it complies with EC law. Since then, the Commission has reconfirmed its concerns as to the conformity of the the LUV (adopted in December 2005 to replace the LRAU) and has issued a reasoned opinion on the issue, the first step towards a formal case before the ECJ. Recently, Senor Blasco has accused Mr Cashman of wishing to sully the name of Valencian industries such as the construction and tourism industries. See attached photo of Michael with the 15.000 petitions. If using the photo see attached note below from EP services with regard to copyright and citing of source. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monsieur, Madame, Je vous prie de trouver ci-joint la/les photos demandées. Ces photos sont libres de droit sous réserve de la mention "Photo Parlement européen". Veuillez nous répondre si cet e-mail est bien arrivé et si vous pouvez utiliser les photos. Nous vous demandons aussi de bien vouloir nous envoyer une copie de votre publication. Merci. Cordialement, Catherine Juckler Responsable du service photo du PE Rue Wiertz - PHS 0 A 77 B-1047 Bruxelles Tel: +32 2 284 28 96 -------------------------------------------- Sir, Madam, Please find attached the photo(s) you requested. These photos are copyright free, but must be credited "Photo European Parliament". Please acknowledge receipt by "reply". We thank you to send us a copy of your publication. Thank you. Best regards Catherine Juckler Responsible of the service photo of the EP Rue Wiertz - PHS 0 A 77 B-1047 Bruxelles Tel: +32 2 284 28 96 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Sehr geehrter Herr, Sehr geehrte Dame, Bitte finden Sie im Anhang die gewünschten Photos. Diese Bilder sind Rechte frei müssen aber mit einem Quellenvermerk benutzt werden: ' Photo Europäisches Parlament'. Bitte bestätigen Sie den Erhalt der Bilder mit einer Email Rückmeldung. Wir bedanken uns für die Zusendung einer Kopie Ihrer Veröffentlichung. Mit besten Grüssen
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