pressures threaten to overwhelm the Mediterranean by 2025, says
Blue Plan report
Study also recommends solutions for minimizing the damage
Geneva, 4 April 2006 – A 400-page report commissioned by the
21 nations bordering the Mediterranean Sea extrapolates from
current trends in environment and development to paint a grim
picture of the region in the year 2025. But the report also
describes an alternative pathway based on the principles of
sustainable development that could dramatically boost the
quality of life over the coming decades.
“Governments need to recognize that economic and social
development requires a healthy natural environment. Tough
decisions and trade-offs will have to be made if the
Mediterranean is to preserve the natural beauty and quality of
life that have made it one of the world’s most attractive
locations,” said Mohamed Ennabli, Vice-President of the Blue
Plan (Plan Bleu) and Former Minister of Environment and Land Use
Management in Tunisia.
The report, "A Sustainable Future for the Mediterranean: the
Blue Plan’s Environment & Development Outlook", was written by
some 300 experts assembled under the auspices of the United
Nations Environment Programme’s Athens-based Mediterranean
Action Plan. It was funded by the participating countries with
special support from the European Commission, France, and the
European Environment Agency.
The report concludes that many of the more pessimistic
predictions that the first Blue Plan study made in 1989 have
come true. Looking ahead now another 20 years, the Blue Plan
examines how current baseline trends will affect the
Mediterranean Basin by 2025. Among its conclusions:
• By 2025, 524 million peopled will live in the Mediterranean
rim countries, compared to 427 million in the year 2000. Of
these, 75% will live in urban areas.
• The population of Mediterranean coastal cities will rise
from 70 million in 2000 to 90 million in 2025, and 312 million
tourists will visit the coastal areas every year versus 175
million in 2000.
• Coastal areas will become increasingly saturated by
development. In addition to new harbors, roads and airports, the
coastline of 2025 is expected to host 360 coastal power plants
(compared to 200 in 2000), several dozen new refineries, and
perhaps 175 new desalinization plants. Altogether, the
conversion of an additional 4,000 km of coastline will result in
50% of the Sea’s 46,000 km-coastline being built-up by 2025.
• The demand for freshwater will continue to increase,
particularly on the southern and eastern shores. By 2025, some
63 million people in the Mediterranean will have access to less
than 500 m2 per capita per year (which has been defined as the
“shortage” threshold). Because options for increasing the supply
of water are reaching their limits, the focus must be on
managing the demand for water. If properly implemented, this
could lead to savings of nearly 54 km3 of water, or 24% of the
total demand projected for 2025 under the baseline scenario
(estimated at 210 km3 for the Mediterranean Basin), and
stabilize water demand near 2000 levels.
• The demand for primary commercial energy more than doubled
in the Mediterranean Basin from 1970 to 2000. Between 2000 and
2025, this demand could rise by another 65%. By exploiting the
technologies currently available, however, the region could save
208 Mtoe (million tonnes oil equivalent) per year by 2025, about
half of the projected growth in demand from 2000 to 2025. It
could also ensure that renewable energy sources (geothermal,
solar, wind, hydraulic) will grow to represent 14% of primary
energy use by 2025, instead of the 4% expected under the
baseline scenario.
• Road traffic continues to grow by some 2.7% per year on the
northern rim of the Sea and 3.4% in the south. By 2025 this will
cause a two-fold increase in passenger traffic and a 2.6-fold
increase in freight traffic.
• Maritime freight may continue to grow faster than the
overall economy, especially due to increased transit traffic
(5.6% per year between 2000 and 2025, resulting in nearly a
four-fold increase). While operational pollution from
hydrocarbons should decrease, discharges of bilge water and
chemical products as well as the risks of oils spills and other
polluting accidents are growing significantly.
• In the South, it will be increasingly difficult to manage
the volumes of waste produced (587 kg per person per year in
2025 versus 282 in 2000). In the North, waste volumes are
expected to reach one 1,000 kg per person per year in 2025
versus 566 kg in 2000.
• Desertification in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean will
worsen the social and environmental damage, exacerbating rural
poverty, biodiversity loss and the degradation of water
resources. The high rate of siltation that has been experienced
by dams suggests that the 21st century will be the “post-dam
• An additional 1.5 million hectares or more of top-quality
agricultural land will be lost to urbanization and
infrastructure development over the next 20 years.
• Other current threats to the Sea itself include the
discharge of urban waste water – some 60% of which is untreated
– into the Mediterranean, a doubling of nitrates over the past
20 years, a 90% decline in natural sediment reaching the Sea
over the past 50 years (leading to coastal erosion), the
introduction of some 500 alien species (some of which, for
example Caulerpa seaweed, cause enormous economic and ecological
damage), and the endangered status of 104 native species,
including the monk seal and marine turtles.
The report urges the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and the
member states of the 1975 Barcelona Convention for the
Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of
the Mediterranean to strengthen their Mediterranean policies. It
calls for a new regional protocol to the Convention containing
stronger measures, for greater private and public financing to
reduce pollution in the region, and the development of better
demand-management and local sustainable-development policies. It
also recommends efforts to mobilize all stakeholders for
policies and projects that integrate environment and
Note to journalists: For more information, please contact
Michael Williams at +41-22-917-8242, +41-79-4091528 (cell), or See also