Abogado |
Lawyer, attorney, solicitor |
Administrador de Fincas |
Property administrator and manager |
Alcalde |
Mayor |
Aparejador |
Building engineer |
Arbitrio sobre el
incremento del valor de terrenos |
Municipal tax on property sales |
Arquitecto |
Architect |
Asesor Fiscal |
Tax consultant and accountant |
Asistencia juridical
gratuita |
Free legal aid |
Ayuntamiento |
Town Hall |
Boletin oficial |
Official gazette, where laws are published |
Camino real |
Right of way across land |
Catastro |
Land registry, as distinct from property
registry, concerned with measurements and physical description of house and
land |
Certificado catastral |
Catastral certificate describing lands and
Inflation correction factor |
Certificado de
Empadronamiento |
Certificado final de
obra |
Certificate, completion of construction |
Cheque (talon) |
Cheque |
Colegio de abogados |
College of Lawyers |
Comisaria |
Police Station |
Compra |
Purchase |
Comprador |
Purchasor |
Consejal |
Town councillor |
Contribuente |
Taxpayer |
Declaracion de obra
nueva |
Declaration of new construction |
Demanda |
Law Suit |
Demandar |
To sue |
Denuncia |
Report an infraction to authorities |
Diputacion |
Provincial legislature |
Domiciliacion de pago |
Standing order to pay a bill |
Efectivo |
Cash |
Escritura de Compraventa |
Conveyance deed |
Escritura publica |
Registered title to land |
Expediente de dominio |
Ownership proceeding, to establish title |
Factura |
Bill, invoice |
Fianza |
Deposit |
Finca |
A plot of land or property |
Formulario |
Form, to fill out |
Gestor |
Licensed administrative expert in Spanish
procedures |
Gestoria |
Licensed administrative office |
Hoja de reclamacion |
Complaint form |
IBI, impuesto sobre
bienes inmuebles |
Annual real estate tax |
Impuesto |
Tax |
ITP, Impuesto de
Patrimoniales |
Property transfer tax |
Impuesto sobre
Patrimonio |
Capital gains tax |
Incremento de patrimonio |
Capital gain |
VAT, value added tax |
Juez |
Judge |
Juicio |
Judgment, action, opinion |
Justiprecio |
Doctrine of fair price in ‘forced purchase’ |
Juzgado |
Ley |
Law |
Ley de Costas |
Law protecting the coast line |
Ley de Tasas |
Law of public fees |
Licencia de obra
de obra) |
Building license |
Licencia de primera
ocupacion |
License to occupy a dwelling |
Memoria de calidades |
Detailed building specifications |
Modelo |
Form, as in tax form |
Multa |
Fine |
Foreigner’s tax identification number |
Tax identification
number |
Notario |
Public Notary |
Paga extraordinaria |
Special payment |
Paraiso fiscal |
Tax haven |
Patrimonio |
Capital assets, wealth |
Perito judicial |
Court-appointed technical expert |
Municipal building plan |
Plan parcial |
Plan to develop part of, or a whole sector |
Plus valia |
Municipal capital gains tax |
Poder |
Power of attorney |
Portador |
Bearer, check made out to “cash” |
Prescripcion |
Statute of limitations |
Presupuesto |
Estimate |
Proceso monitorio |
Procedure to recover debt without lawyer |
Procurador |
Legal expert who works with lawyer |
Propietario |
Owner, landlord |
Proyecto de urbanizacion |
Plan to develop an urbanization |
Querella |
Criminal charge |
Reclamación |
Complaint |
Referencia catastral |
Reference # for property inscription in
the Catastro
Rustico |
Country land, not zoned for building |
Servidumbre de paso |
Legal right of way |
Talonario |
Cheque book |
Tasacion |
Valuation of property or other asset |
Topografo |
Land surveyor |
Transferencia |
Transfer |
Urbanismo |
Urban development office |
Valor catastral |
Officially rated value of property for tax |